How Can We Help You?


Our services encompass comprehensive project management in construction, including managing all participants and every phase of construction for real estate and infrastructure projects.

In addition to construction services, part of our team specializes in real estate development and transactions, offering a complete package of services tailored to our clients. With a focus on expertise, innovation, transparency, and client satisfaction, we build lasting value and contribute to the success of projects in the construction and real estate sectors.

Project Management

Providing construction management and investment project management services in the construction industry requires a high level of expertise in planning, quality control, and coordinating all participants. A focus on efficiency, transparency, and effective resource management is crucial for achieving success in a highly demanding market.

Real Estate

Providing services in the field of real estate development and transactions requires careful planning, market research, and strategic decision-making. By focusing on client needs and timely recognizing market opportunities, we develop and implement successful and sustainable projects in the highly dynamic real estate market.

Modular Construction

The modular construction service is the result of years of experience in managing construction projects and recognizing trends in the increasingly sophisticated construction sector. With this service, we aim to focus on cost transparency, improving project execution quality, and enhancing living comfort.
  • Budućnost koja nosi sve veće zahtjeve u području održive i zelene gradnje, te sve veća potreba za bržom realizacijom projekata iziskuje novi pristup u gradnji i odabiru materijala koji zamjenjuju tradicionalna rješenja.
  • Dinamično tržište nekretnina više nego ikada prije, zahtijeva holistički pristup od samog začetka ideje do konačne realizacije kako bi se osigurao uspješan rezultat investicije. Naša misija je ponuditi uslugu koja sagledava širu sliku svake investicije i tako osigurati uspješnost projekta u svim fazama provedbe.
  • Naš proizvodni pogon smješten je u okolici Zadra. Proizvodnja zidnih modula odvija se u pogonu, u kontroliranim uvjetima. Od oplatnih drvobetonski blokova s integriranom izolacijom priprema se neprekinuti zid, iz kojega se prema projektu izrezuju montažni moduli sa izvedenim otvorima i svim potrebnim detaljima.